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(Starting 3.11.24)

Manifesting & Attunement Group

My Reiki clients are
invited to join my

Weekly Manifesting & Attunement Group.
For more information
about this FREE
(simple) weekly healing session,

click here.


Session Detail


Example of Session Set Up


Healing Disc, Orgonite Chakra Discs, Vogel Crystals, Selenite, and a Rose Quartz


Looking for a Distance Reiki Session?


Energy workers all work in their own unique way and I discovered early on that I connect better from a distance. Not all Reiki practitioners work this way and many prefer to work in person. I only work remotely for Reiki sessions but that doesn't mean you are not present in the process.


We are all connected through a Unified Field (the 'Source Field'). This explains synchronicity and so much more. If interested, look into Albert Einstein's comments on quantum entanglement and "spooky action at a distance".


I am on the East Coast and I usually schedule sessions at night, before you go to bed, so that you can fully embody the changes while you sleep and jump start your healing. For example, a session might start at 8PM  EST and end at 9PM EST and you can go to sleep after the first 15 minutes if you feel tired. If you are not on the East Coast, we will schedule a time that works for both of us.







Your part of the process:


  • I prefer you to be hydrated and  alcohol-free on the day of our treatment and to not tell me details (if not known already) of your health so I can get a 'clean read'.


  • I work with my Guides and ask that they bring in your Guides too. (You can also talk to your Guides, give them feedback or requests if you wish.)


  • Start on your back with your arms to your side for the first 10-15 minutes, you can place a pillow under your knees if it makes you more comfortable. After 10-15 minutes you do whatever feels best, even fall asleep if you like.


  • If you are comfortable and want to be present with the process, you can stay on your back and just relax. Notice any sensations in the body. Most people will feel nothing but a calming sensation but some people who are energy-sensitive may feel buzzing or tingling, warmth, moving energy 'squiggles' under the skin or other sensations. These are all signs of 'energy on the move' and nothing to be concerned about.


  • I will send an email the next morning with details from the don't stay awake for my notes. They may be done that night but I wont send until the morning because I don't want you to be 'in your head'.


  • Much of the work in a session happens later so pay attention to things in the following days, not just your health issues. You may notice synchronicities increasing. You may feel energy moving around in your body. If things have felt stagnant in your life, you may see things start to manifest once blocks are removed.


My Part of the Process:


  • My tools (as needed): I use a special "Reiki form" that I designed specifically for my process (I'm also a graphic designer). It is printed on a mat that represents your body. I use my hands to sense the energy, several 'true' Vogel Crystals as well as Vogel 'Style' crystals, other various colored crystals, orgonite and chakra stones, Pleiadian disks, Omnivos Solfeggio tuning forks and a weighted tuning fork for extra Heart Chakra work.


  • There are 7 main energy centers that follow the spine (Root, Sacral, Solar Plexus, Heart, Throat, Third Eye, and Crown). I start with the bottom energy center (Root) and work my way up the body to the top of the head (Crown) until all chakras are balanced and their vortexes are spinning in the correct direction.


  • I often intuitively get messages or words for each chakra that I write down, interpret and share in case they have meaning to you.


  • I keep detailed notes as to what I am feeling in each Chakra, direction of the spin, what forks or stones I used. I will interpret it as to what emotions or worries are most often associated with this imbalance. You will receive a 'session summary' in an email the next day.



A session costs $375.

The process on my end is 2.5 hours and is charged at $375. It involves a half hour of set up, the session is at minimum 1 hour, and 1 hour to write up the summary.


You can send payments through PayPal. Paste or type the following into your browser to be taken to PayPal.


And one final word, thank you for your part in all of this. As we each heal and raise our individual frequency... it counts toward the overall needed frequency shift of the planet for Ascension. We are now within the Ascension timeline. Things may look dark but great things are coming once we make it through the storm.



Solfeggio Chakra Tuning Forks and a Weighted Fork
for the Heart Chakra

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